The LWA board convened on March 10, and has decided to raise the participant limit to 12 for group rides. This will be re-evaluated at end of May. However, individual ride leaders may post a number that is less, as to their comfort level. Please continue to follow these guidelines:
All riders must be free of any COVID related symptoms for the past 14 days. If you are feeling sick, please do not ride!
* No more than 12 riders per group. Day-of ride walk-ons will not be permitted - you must RSVP through MeetUp to reserve your spot.
* Social Distancing is required. Masks/face coverings must be carried with you at all times and used when within 6 feet of other people. (e.g., in the parking lot, at rest stops, if stopped to help with repairs.)
* Side by side riding must remain 6 feet apart if it is safe to do so.
* Please no pacelines!
* If you must sneeze, cough, blow your nose, etc., safely reposition yourself to ensure that no one is in your slipstream.
Please practice common courtesy toward your fellow riders. Thank you for your patience while we work our way through these unusual circumstances. Our goal is to keep all riders safe.
The LWA Leadership Team will continue to monitor the situation and update you as time progresses.
The Lehigh Wheelmen Association, established in 1951, is the Lehigh Valley's premier cycling organization. Our activities are centered in, but not limited to, the Lehigh Valley of Eastern Pennsylvania. To join the LWA, use the Join Tab in the main menu or click here.
We offer a full schedule of road and off-road rides for all levels along with our Donut Derby on Labor Day Monday. Club membership has many benefits, including Bike Shop Discounts, Insurance, monthly Grill 'n' Chill, Special Events, Picnics, and a Holiday Party. Keep up to date on the the latest LWA news in our Quick Release Newsletter.
New Benefit! Premium features for LWA members with our new RideWithGPS club account.
Velo Shop/LWA Racing is a regional cycling team comprised of male and female riders of varying abilities, racing road, cyclocross, and track. We promote several races each year. Our team is sponsored by the Velo Shop in Emmaus PA. To learn more about Velo Shop/LWA Racing, click here.
The Lehigh Wheelmen Association is a proud supporter of the Valley Preferred Cycling Center